Thursday, July 18, 2013

Low-carb redo - Oven Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower and Balsamic Mushrooms

This is a low carb re-do of the something I made for the 4th of July picnic. Mainly, I replaced the brown sugar with SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend and the regular ketchup with Heinz® Reduced Sugar Ketchup. I changed some of the spice quantities because of preference, and you can add or delete any as you choose. The brown sugar helps with the caramelization, so try not to omit that one! About 14 carbs for the entire meal. The cauliflower is from a pasta dish and I fell in love with it. The mushrooms are a new endeavor.

Oven Roasted Pork Tenderloin


1 Pork tenderloin, about 1½ lbs – 0 carbs
1 tsp smoked paprika – 1.3 carbs
½ tsp ground pepper – .5 carbs
2 tsp SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend – 8 carbs
1 tsp cumin – 1 carbs
1 tsp dry mustard – .4 carbs
1 tsp onion powder – 1.9 carbs
1 tsp garlic powder – 1.6 carbs
Olive oil – 0 carbs

Total carbs – 14.7 
Serves 4 
Carbs per serving – 3.675


Start this part the day before or morning of (needs at least 6 hours): Rinse, then pat dry tenderloin. In a small bowl, combine the next 7 ingredients (dry spices) and mix well. I used a small, baby whisk to blend it.

Brush tenderloin with olive oil then cover it with the spice blend. I used a large rectangle plastic container to roll the tenderloin in the spice mix to get covered evenly.
Cut a piece of plastic wrap twice as long as the tenderloin. Place tenderloin in the center and cover with any remaining spice mix. Wrap tightly, folding in the ends. Place in the fridge overnight.

Take the tenderloin out of the fridge about 30-45 minutes before you are ready to cook.

Preheat oven to 400°. 

Place a heat-resistant skillet (cast iron – I used a cast iron grill pan – that’s where the grill marks come from) over medium-high heat. 

When it gets hot, add a small amount of olive oil. Place tenderloin in the pan – it should sizzle. As soon as it is browned on one side, turn ¼ turn, until all sides have been browned. 

Remove from heat and turn it over once again and place in the oven for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn completely over and cook another 10 minutes. 

Check for 160° internal temperature – return to oven until 160° is reached. Remove tenderloin to a cutting board and cover with large lid or piece of foil to keep warm. Let it rest for at least 10 minutes. 

Slice in ¼” slices and serve with 1 T of the following sauce (but this is great as is, the sauce just makes it a little better. 

By letting the meat come to room temperature before pan-frying and letting it rest before slicing, it is very moist and juicy! Click here and here for an explanation of the room temperature reasoning. And here is why you give it a rest.


 ½ cup of water – 0 carbs
¾ cup apple cider vinegar – 0 carbs
1½ T SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend – 9 carbs
2 T Heinz® Reduced Sugar Ketchup – 2 carbs
½ tsp red pepper flakes – .25 carbs
1 tsp sea salt – 0 carbs

Total carbs – 11.25 
Serves 12 
Carbs per serving – 1

Combine everything in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer, stirring often, until sauce thickens. This makes more sauce than you need, but you can use it on other meats or veggies. Refrigerate to store.

Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower


½ half head Cauliflower, separated into bite-sized florets – 15 carbs
3 T finely grated Parmesan cheese – .6 carbs
Olive oil – 0 carbs

Total carbs – 15.6 
Serves 4 
Carbs per serving – 3.9


Preheat oven to 400°.
Drizzle cauliflower with olive oil, toss to coat. Toss with Parmesan cheese and place on a foil or parchment covered cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until they start to brown. I was able to get these in the oven with the tenderloin.

Balsamic Mushrooms


3 T butter, separated – 0 carbs
½ lb baby bella mushrooms, sliced thick (about 1/4" thick) – 5.4 carbs
2 tsp minced garlic – 2 carbs
2 tsp SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend – 8 carbs
2 T Balsamic vinegar – 5.4 carbs
Salt and pepper to taste

Total carbs – 20.8 
Serves 4 
Carbs per serving – 5.2


Place 1 T butter in a non-stick skillet on medium-high heat. Once it’s melted, add the mushrooms and mix them with the butter. Make sure all mushrooms are flat on the bottom. 

After a few minutes and when mushrooms are browned, turn them over to brown the other side. Turn heat to medium. 

Add the other 2 T of butter and the garlic and sauté for a minute or until you can smell the garlic. Add SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend and vinegar and cook, stirring often until sauce reduces. Taste sauce and add salt and pepper to taste.

Seasoned and wrapped in plastic wrap and ready to go in the fridge overnight.
Grilled on top of the stove, then baked in the oven in the same pan.

It must reach 160°.

Let it rest for 10 minutes before slicing!

Baby Bella mushrooms, bought at Walmart, made in USA (Florida)! They actually had hydroponic butter lettuce - which I will try when I make perfect my low-carb lettuce wraps. A lot of their canned goods come from China, but they have been carrying more and more local and organic produce lately and you can't beat the price!
Baby bellas going into the butter. Toss, then brown on each side.

Nice and brown - on both sides.
Cauliflower is tossed in olive oil, then Parmesan cheese and roasted in the oven.

The finished product!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Low Carb Portobello stuffed with crab

Low Carb Portobello stuffed with Crab

This is something I haven't made for a long time. I used to do it very basic, mushrooms, balsamic tomatoes, crab meat (not seasoned), and cheese. They used to serve something like this at the Huttleston House in Fairhaven, MA and I tried to recreate it. I remember theirs being very basic, so I thought I nailed the "copycat" with my basic recipe. 

This one is so much better for 2 reasons - first, the taste is much better, and second, the crab mixture sticks together and doesn't fall off the mushroom like when I just put it on right out of the can. This recipe takes canned crab to a new level.


2 large Portobello mushrooms – about 4” in diameter – 2 carbs
1 plum or Roma tomato – 3 carbs
1-2 tsp balsamic vinegar – 1.5 carbs
1 small shallot – 1.5 carbs
1 tsp olive oil – 0 carbs
1 6-ounce can crab meat, any type – your preference – 0 carbs
2 tsp mayonnaise – 0 carbs
Dab of Dijon mustard – .1 carbs
Celery salt – 2-3 shakes – 0 carbs
¼ tsp Worcestershire sauce – .025 carbs
2 slices provolone cheese, 1 oz. each – 1.2 carbs

Total carbs – 10 
Serves 2 
Carbs per serving – 5


Preheat oven to 450°.

Rinse mushrooms. If they have a stem, use a teaspoon to remove it and reserve. Spray a glass baking dish with PAM. Place mushrooms in dish stem side up. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn mushrooms stem side down and bake for another 5-10 minutes, until most of the moisture is gone.

While mushrooms are baking, slice tomato into 8 slices. Place on a plate or shallow bowl and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Set aside until needed.

Dice the shallot and the mushroom stems. If you don’t have stems – don’t worry about it. I just didn’t want to throw them away. Heat a small skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil. As soon as it’s hot, add shallots and mushroom stems. As soon as they start to brown, remove them to drain on a paper towel. This takes just 1-2 minutes if your pan is hot.

Mix crab (drained), mayo, mustard, celery salt, Worcestershire sauce, and shallot/mushroom mixture. It should be moist and stick together. Add a little more mayo if it doesn’t.

When mushrooms are done, turn the oven down to 400°. Turn the mushrooms stem side up and place 4 slices of tomato on each cap, then half of the crab on each, and top each with a slice of provolone cheese.

Place back in the oven for 5 minutes. Then turn on broiler and remove them from the oven once the cheese starts to brown. Enjoy!

 Everything you will need.

 Place mushrooms in a glass baking dish sprayed with PAM.

 Drizzle tomatoes with balsamic vinegar.

 Saute shallots and diced mushroom stems in a teaspoon of olive oil. Then drain on a paper towel.

 Mix crab, mayo, mustard, celery salt, Worcestershire, shallots and mushrooms.

 Top each cap with tomatoes.

 Then top with crab mixture.

 Top with provolone.

 The final product, served with cucumber slices
 This is the nutrition info for the mushrooms I used - 4 carbs minus 3 fiber = 1 carb each.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Low-carb Steak salad with onion straws.

Steak Salad
Steak salad with onion straws.

What to do with a steak? And it’s raining… So I thought I’d try a “restaurant” style cooking method so that I didn’t have to stand in the rain to use the grill. It was very good and pretty easy. The only downside was I had to wash a pan. I decided to use it for a steak salad. And I have been wanting to try making onion rings for a while now, but decided to make onion straws, since it would go better on the salad.   

I also got a workout (mini) at the same time. I picked a 7-piece Le Creuset cookware for my retirement gift from AT&T and I rarely cook with it because it’s like lifting weights and I'm afraid if I drop it, I'll crack the tile floor or break a toe. But this was the perfect meal to use it because it is cast iron/enamel. The frying pan was perfect for the steaks and I used the sauce pan for the onions.

Here’s the recipe for 4:

2 Steaks – about 1 ½” thick – 0 carbs
Garlic powder – 0 carbs
1 T Olive oil – 0 carbs

Take steaks our of the fridge about 30 minutes before cooking. Room temperature meat is necessary so you don’t dry out the outer portion of the steak while trying to get the center cooked. Sprinkle all sides of the steak with garlic powder. You can use your preferred seasonings at this time too.

Preheat oven to 400°.

Heat an oven-proof skillet over medium-high heat. When hot, add the olive oil and swirl around the bottom of the pan. Add the steaks. Let them sit there for at least a minute, it will appear to have stuck to the bottom of the pan, but as soon as it is browned, you will be able to turn it. Do the same for the other side AND the short sides too.

As soon as all sides are browned, put skillet in the oven for about 8 minutes, turning after 4 minutes for medium. If your steaks are thinner, then cook for less time. If you like them well done, then add a few minutes.

Remove steak to a cutting board and allow to rest for about 10 minutes. Slice into ¼” bite sized pieces for the salad.

Onion Straws

1 large Vidalia or any sweet onion – 12 carbs
1 egg – 0 carbs
2 T heavy cream – 1 carbs
3 T Parmesan cheese, finely grated – 1 carbs
¼ tsp sea salt, fine – 0 carbs
½ tsp dried parsley – .1 carbs
¼ tsp garlic powder – 1 carbs
¼ tsp pepper 0 carbs
Dash chili powder – or more if you prefer more spice – 0 carbs
Olive oil – about 1 cup – enough to fill 1” in a pan
*Almond flour can be substituted – adjust carb count

Total carbs – 21.1 
Serves 4 
Carbs per serving – 5.3

In a heavy sauce pan, place 1” olive oil over medium-high heat. Using a cooking thermometer, heat oil to 350°. This took about 10 minutes.

Mix the egg and cream - beat with a fork or stick blender.

Slice onion in half, from top to bottom, not in rings. Then slice in small wedges from top to bottom, creating sticks rather than rings. Place onion in egg/cream mixture while you prepare the breading.

If you want rings, then slice in ¼-½” slices and separate the rings.

In a separate bowl, mix together baking mix, Parmesan cheese, salt, parsley, garlic powder, pepper, and chili powder.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer onions to breading mixture, half at a time. Coat with breading and using a different slotted spoon transfer onions to hot oil, cooking only half at a time. Cook till browned and remove to a paper towel. Allow oil to come back to 350° and fry the remaining onions. Allow them to cool down before eating.


To make the salad, fill a bowl with 1 cup of your favorite lettuce blend. Add grated cheddar cheese, olives, tomatoes, and any other veggies.

Top with sliced steak and onion straws. Dressing – Blue cheese or Ranch.
Adjust total carb count according to your toppings.

Mix the egg and cream in a separate bowl.

Slice onions from top to bottom for straws.

Place onions in egg mixture while preparing breading ingredients.

Sear steaks in a bit of olive oil on med-high.

Sear on all sides.
After cooking onions, allow to drain on a paper towel.
Allow steak to rest for 10 minutes before slicing.
The finished product!